Weekly Review


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About This Review

This weekly update, features the most powerful content on the theme of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for the past seven days, selected from across the Web and social media.

It also includes analysis of the emotional engagement with these stories, and of the key themes which drive them.

Content selection, summarisation and analysis have been performed by Significance Systems's earth.ai platform.

Earth.ai analyses millions of behavioural interactions with content, to model human interaction with your world.

Earth.ai offers an objective read on engagement, media power, and the authentic emotional drivers of behaviour.

Learn more here.

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This timeline charts the dates and events referenced in the most powerful content from the Review.

It is a powerful tool for understanding the historical background of current engagement, and a view of the future events which drive expectation and anticipation.

Emotional Response

This week's stories do not display a clear pattern of emotional responses. As and when these are detected, they will be displayed here.

Topics & Themes

This matrix shows the topics which are driving emotional engagement, and the tone of the associations between them.

RED indicates a negative association, GREEN a positive one. WHITE means a neutral connection, and BLUE, an association driven by anticipation and expectation.

This matrix gives you an 'at-a-glance' view of the overall complexity, engagement, and tone of the narrative. It also makes clear the cross-cutting concerns which lie at the centre of the narrative.

This Week's Strongest Stories

Content Power is a measure of the power of individual pieces of content, to capture and to drive engagement with a narrative’s core themes. This measure is independent of volume.

The content presented here, has been curated by earth.ai, to represent the most powerful messaging on this topic, over the past week.