This analysis is based on the query: Xi Jinping Thought.
The language/market analysed is en/ALL.
Produced for on 28/10/2017.
We’ve analysed the whole of the web to identify and characterise engagement around this topic.
Our measures correlate strongly with market choice and are strong predictors of future behaviour.
This report provides you with a rapid, accurate view of the market, and key diagnostics which enable you to drive better market performance.
Affect is a rich measure of the emotional tone of the significant content. Understanding of the emotional drivers empower you to better understand, and respond appropriately to, the emotional impact of the narrative.
In this chart, positive emotions are highlighted in green, whereas negative emotions are red.
If there is a clear tonality to the emotions expressed, such as expectation or apprehension, these are shown in purple.
The intensity of the colour indicates the intensity of each emotion.
The width of each arc reflects the degree to which the named emotion contributes to the overall emotional response.
Broad emotions, such as fear and love, are closer to the centre of the chart. The more subtle emotions, which contribute to those broad emotions, are shown in the concentric rings further out. Moving out from the centre, each ring shows a further level of detail.
This matrix shows the topics which are driving emotional engagement, and the tone of the associations between them.
RED indicates a negative association, GREEN a positive one. ORANGE means a neutral connection, and BLUE, an association driven by anticipation and expectation.
This matrix gives you an 'at-a-glance' view of the overall complexity, engagement, and tone of the narrative. It also makes clear any cross-cutting concerns which lie at the centre of the narrative.
This index ranks media voices according to their power to lead debate and shape perception, and drive market performance in terms of preference and desirability.
This is not a volumetric measure: often, the most popular media are not the ones with the strongest impact on topical or social engagement.
Affect Orientation is a measure of the degree to which the narrative stimulates an emotional response: active or passive, positive or negative. Most narratives are simply neutral, and do not provoke any emotional response .
Understanding of the structure of the narrative, offers orientation on the long-term value of engagement, and the manner in which to engage, to achieve Communication Power.
Content Power is a measure of the power of individual pieces of content.
This measure is independent of the number of people seeing or sharing this content (it is not volumetric). It is a true measure of content's intrinsic power.
The content shown here has been selected for its ability to drive market performance against preference and desirability.